Sustainability is a fundamental part of the corporate culture and an instrument for continuous improvement, in order to build a future that does not alter the planet’s resources and does not exploit it beyond its possibilities.
Firmly believing that a company’s success is measured not only by financial indicators, but also through a combination of economic, environmental and social factors, Angelantoni Industrie has adopted the 7 Key Principles of the UNI ISO 26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility of Organizations.
The standard provides a new definition of social responsibility: “Responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that: contributes to sustainable development, including health and the welfare of society; takes into account the expectations of stakeholders; is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and is integrated throughout the organization and practised in its relationships.”
Angelantoni Industrie has introduced the Environmental Management System into its operations according to the ISO 14001 international standard, and it is also registered with EMAS which, through the communicating of the environmental management results achieved, represents the company’s commitment to responsibility and transparency in regard to the entire Community.
Angelantoni Industrie wants to make the environment coexist with economic development, in keeping with the protecting of the area, the landscape and biodiversity: this is our Group’s priority mission.
The commitment to protecting the environment is an essential and far-reaching component of every process and product activity, which can be seen especially in the continuous reduction or elimination of environmental impacts.

Angelantoni has adopted the Safety and Health in the Workplace Management System for its production activities following the OHSAS 18001 standard and the INAIL-UNI SGSL (Work Safety Management System), because it is only by striving for continuous improvement that efforts to improve the work environment can be intensified and potential risk situations eliminated.
The coordinated action of all company activities makes it possible to harmonize the protection of people, productivity, personnel motivation, compliance with regulations and the continuous improvement of safety levels and company performance.

The Angelantoni Group has always been a center of innovation, through its collaboration with universities and research institutes, which has led to the design and manufacture of cutting-edge products in various fields of application and the registering of a large number of patents.