ACS at Space Tech Expo Europe in Bremen, Germany
The European edition of Space Tech Expo is the main event dedicated to the testing and engineering sectors of spacecraft, subsystems and components.

Angelantoni Test Technologies is attending this strategic European event to illustrate the variety of ACS test solutions for the Aerospace sector, where it has been a leader since 1988, the year of production of its first Thermal Vacuum Chamber (TVC). Thanks to their experience and deep knowledge of the sector, ACS engineers will be there to evaluate customer needs and identify the best solution to satisfy their requirements.
Since 1988 then Angelantoni Test Technologies has supplied the main international Research Centers and Institutes that carry out tests on entire satellites, subsystems and components.
In the Case history section of the ACS website you will find testimonials and successful cases, such as the largest Thermal Vacuum Chamber installed in Europe (RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - UK); a small TVC for tests on nanosatellites used by ESA in Belgium to training initiatives for university students (“Fly your Satellite!”); the TVC for NSPO National Space Organization of Taiwan, designed mainly to perform Thermal/Vacuum equilibrium tests on FORMOSAT components - a series of very high-tech space satellites developed by NSPO for Earth exploration - one of the largest space simulators in the world never made; and many more.
Information and other pictures of ACS solutions on the page dedicated to the Aerospace sector.

Die tiefe Verwurzelung im Gebiet und eine authentische, untrennbare Verbindung mit unseren Ursprüngen stehen hinter dem Ausbildungsprojekt.